ចិនពីមហាអំណាចតំបន់អាចទៅជាមហាអំណាចពិភពលោក/China will become largest economy

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Welcome to Share Global news kh channel: ★We Upload about world history and geopolitica China from Asia largest economy become world largest economy People's Republic of China (PRC) -Location State: East Asia -UN member: 24 October 1945 -Capital: Beijing -Governed by: People's Republic of China -Area: 9,596,961km2 -Population: 1,403,500,365 (2017) -GDP: (2017) -Total: $23,122 trillion -Per capita: $16,624 -Official Languages: Standard Chinese -Religion: Buddha,Toa, Islam -Density: 145sq/km2 -Currency: Renminbi(Yuan=CNY) -ISO code: 3166 -Bar Code: 690-699CN -Time zone: China Standard Time (UTC+8) -Calling Code: +86 ★Hope you enjoy my video and help like and share and comment my videos.If you want to listening khmer news daily,Please don’t forget subscribe my channel Thanks!