Sleep Sounds White Noise Machine | Fan Audio for Sleeping, Calming Crying Baby & Fighting Insomnia

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This white noise machine surrounds you with a soothing blanket of sound, creating the perfect environment for a night of great sleep. Often times our sleeping situation isn't ideal, with noises that prevent us from getting the proper sleep we need. This calming white noise helps block distracting sounds coming from family members, pets, appliances, loud neighbors, traffic, city noises, music and many other sources. Whether you live in an apartment, house or dorm room, this online white noise machine will make falling asleep easier.

Other uses of the white noise machine include soothing a crying, colicky baby. Babies love white noise, as it is similar to sounds heard from within the womb. Playing the white noise can quickly calm an infant and help get them to sleep.

Still other uses of our white noise generator include helping you clear your mind so you can study, read or write. And, some people may find the white noise useful to temporarily relieve symptoms of tinnitus, or ringing in the ears.

Get the sleep you deserve and feel great in the morning!

© Relaxing White Noise LLC, 2016. All rights reserved. Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.